How the Greens Do Conferences

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In 2010 I had the rare opportunity to travel the world for a year as a missionary. I previously went through a really dark few years of life and God had completely transformed my heart and circumstances. I realized at the age of 24, that being a Christian and following Jesus were two very different things.

Since then, I knew my following of Jesus would be nothing like “traditional.” I first learned how to preach by gathering people on the beaches of Byron Bay, Australia. I quickly discovered that evangelism wasn’t an obligation but a miraculous opportunity to actually love someone the way Jesus does.


Honestly, preaching the Gospel and leading people into a true relationship with Jesus is what makes me come fully ALIVE! I have no greater passion. So in 2016, when Parker and I were asked to speak at Awakening conference, the answer was an obvious YES! We took our 3 week old baby (yes, that’s not a typo – 3 week old baby) and drove 18 hours to Georgia.

The funny thing about Parker and I’s following is that we tend to allow Jesus to be in control. This may be an obvious statement but you would be surprised how much professional ministers have a hard time letting go of control. This can both make us + our audiences a bit uncomfortable. While Parker preached and called the room into a lifestyle of discipleship it was if a lion were let out of a cage. The room experienced the tangible presence of God. The next morning my 4-point message on Following Jesus turned into 45 minutes of weeping, repentance and a last minute baptism in a pick-up truck. However, we wouldn’t have it any other way.

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