Friendship Evangelism

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I believe that friendship is one of Gods greatest gifts to us.

I often hear people say “I’m not an evangelist.” I am here to tell you today that you are! I think sometimes we see the massive crusades of Billy Graham and Reinhard Bonnke and think “I could never do that!” I do believe that there are some people called to preach at large gatherings but that doesn’t mean you have to sit on the bench!

An Evangelist is someone that shares the Good News! That’s it! The best place to start is with your friends. Did you know that over 80% of people that come to Christ through a friend remain a Christian their entire life. That number drops down to 1% when they get saved at a massive crusade.


To an unbeliever, the best theology is the Good News in your own life.

How has Jesus changed your life? Come through for you? Shown you Grace?

I remember when I first found out about Pinterest I shared it with all of my friends. I explained how it worked and why I liked it personally. You have a relationship with a God that died for you and loves you unconditionally. That’s definitely something worth sharing.

Who can you share your story with this week? Tell me how it goes! 

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