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5 ways your church can do something about abortion

Last night, I sat on the couch with my husband Parker and we just prayed together. I cried over the bill that was passed in New York and I cried even harder reading some of the posts on Facebook on the topic. I myself, was in full time ministry for years before ever sharing my secret of having an abortion - and it took a complete abandoning of my self and obedience to God to share at a conference that I had in fact had multiple abortions. Over the last four years, I’ve sat around tables with pastors and church leaders to wrestle with what we can do. How do we stand for justice as The Church while not isolating people with shame, fear and/or judgement.

While I don’t have all of the solutions - here are 5 ways your church can do something about abortion:

  1. First - search your heart and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any hidden things within you.

    Psalm 139:23-24 New International Version (NIV)

    23 Search me, God, and know my heart;
        test me and know my anxious thoughts.
    24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
        and lead me in the way everlasting.

    Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you on the issue.

    What’s your role in all of this? We all make up different parts of the body with different roles - what’s yours? Are you leading the conversation in love or from the seat of judgement? Many of us first need to forgive people that have had abortions so we can speak on the topic in the way a God of redemption would speak. I have received THOUSANDS of emails from woman that have LEFT the church because they already felt shame and depression from their decision and The Church heaped on more shame. We can be better at this. Yes, Abortion is a sin - so is lying - and Jesus died and rose again to cover it all - that’s why we go to church right? We need to remember we have good news in the wake of chaos!

  2. Talk about abortion in your church.

    What does the Bible actually say about it? How can we live as informed believers? How can we help women in the church (statistically 1/3 of the women in your congregation) into a place of freedom and forgiveness for their past. Once the church can be empowered on these hard topics, then we will start to see a difference in the world. I’ve spoken to hundreds of church leaders that have NEVER spoken about abortion in their church - this needs to change.

  3. Be the solution

    The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives within us (Romans 8:11). Many of us are called to speak and advocate - there is more we can contribute to the conversation than just saying abortion is wrong. God has called us to walk in faith - which requires ACTION that backs our belief.

    1. Ask families if they would be willing to adopt and/or foster a child. The Church is the solution to the foster care issues. Could we be a family that says to a pregnant woman “You don’t need to have an abortion. We have a family that will adopt your baby and love you in the process without judgement.” 

    2. Empower members of the church to occupy roles in government. My mom inspires me so much. She was so outraged by the adoption and foster care problems. So she went to law school, passed the NY State Bar and became a child advocacy lawyer. Real change requires SKIN IN THE GAME.

    3. BLESS and EMPOWER single moms - make meals, babysit and help the single moms in your church. SHOW your congregation that you are there to help woman that keep their babies!

  4. Do research and do then do more!

    What pro life organizations exist in your area? Can you volunteer there or send people from your church? What currently exists that brings solutions and what can your church do to help? Maybe create a fundraiser for local foster care families - the possibilities are endless! Adopt a child yourself? Donate 50% of your tithes to orphans and widows.

  5. Lastly - pray, pray and keep praying.

    Jesus is still the King. Gather your people to pray. Wake up early and pray. Fast from food and pray. If you are serious about the life of the unborn - your prayers (not just your posts) should reflect that.

You can do this! We can do this and expand Gods Kingdom here on earth. I am happy to empower you and your church in anyway in this area.

Please feel free to message me with any questions or leave a comment!

Love Jessi