“Jessi has written a most encouraging book giving us hope, not that revival is coming, but that revival has already begun again.”

— Randy Clark, Global Awakening

Wildfires BY Jessi Green

If your faith feels more like a dying ember than a radiant light, perhaps you haven’t met the real Jesus.

At her core, Jessi felt dry and lifeless. Weary of anemic religion, she had almost given up on Christianity, until one day, she came face to face with the real Jesus whose eyes burn like fire! His gaze lit a spark within her, fanning the tinder of her soul into a glowing blaze.

Today, Jessi burns with a vision to see a holy fire sweep across the nation. She and her husband, Parker, lead the Saturate OC revival movement in California, where they introduce thousands of people to the real Jesus, and see lives radically changed!

Discover how to...

  • Live fully alive with purpose and vision.

  • Triumph over the fear of man, inner shame, and crippling depression.

  • Burn with an authentic love for Jesus.

  • Radiate Holy Spirit power to a dark world.

Be consumed by a bold faith in a living God.

You are just a few pages away from a similar encounter. In Wildfires, Jessi Green invites you to let Jesus breathe upon the embers of your soul, until your whole life burns for Him!

“I can’t imagine anyone reading this book and not burning in their hearts for more—more of all that Jesus intends to do in and through His people.”

— Bill Johnson, Bethel Church

In Wildfires, Jessi Green introduces disenchanted Christians to the real Jesus who can kindle the dying embers of dead religion into a wild, revival fire!



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In this new book, micro church founder Parker Green wrestles with why the American man is in crisis. As Men search for meaning in America’s churches, and for an example of manhood to follow; they don’t find a revolutionary leader in the plastic and convenient Jesus that is taught from the pulpit. Instead they find a “nice” man and a good teacher that can’t seem to help with their life that’s happening NOW, much less give them purpose and something worth living and dying for. If you ever wondered why your Christianity, hell, your life didn’t look like you expected it to be, perhaps you need to discover The Way of the Violent. Perhaps, If we can turn to a biblical and powerful Jesus, the one that is very much alive; we would find in Christ a man that turned, and is still turning, the world upside down.Will you join the revolution?


Basic Christianity: A 21 Day Guide to Following Jesus

God desires for all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. In this full-color 21-day study, The Greens will break down the basics of Christianity. It is important to learn and understand the foundations of following Jesus. Jesus desires for us to follow Him and make disciples – this book is a helpful guide to build a life of faith as well as a powerful tool for discipleship.Included: Verses to help you pray Practical teaching on the basics of Christianity Journal pages + moreWe encourage you to purchase a copy for you and a friend to go through the foundations of faith together.