The Greens

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Is there a company of believers that are all in, yielded, desperate and hungry for the *new* thing the Lord wants to do - that will come together for a SHARED mission?

A few days ago, I woke up and heard the Lord say “Where there is unity, I will command a blessing.” I responded “I know God….”

He then said “not unity in the way that you think….”

The idea of unity + blessing being connected comes from Psalm 133:1-3

The truth is, myself and many others have defined unity as being for one another, not competing, and encouraging one another. Those things are all GOOD and needed in the Body of Christ - however, this isn’t the kind of unity that commands a blessing from God.

The Hebrew word for unity is: yachad יַחַד

Which means one accord, alike, together

In America, we live in an independent culture. It’s popular to have individual passions, callings, ministries. We encourage youth to discover what makes them unique. Church leaders gather and share their missions, values, and visions with one another and its a successful meeting if there’s no backbiting but we say “Awesome, yes, praying for you, supporting you!”

However, I think God is looking for something more.

Revival requires something more.

In Acts - we see an interesting thing happen. It says “they had everything in common.” Perhaps, for a brief moment in history - man was more concerned with what God was doing than with what they were building.

I keep asking God “what made Saturate work this Summer…”

One of the KEYS is UNITY or shall I say Togetherness.

Through the pandemic of COVID - we had churches with not many other options. Our ministries were somewhat put on “hold” and our Friday nights were, well… open. 

July 3rd - around 10+ church leaders and about 400+ believers came together for a common mission. To worship Jesus on the beach and share the Gospel to see people baptized. We were united, not really out of hunger, but out of a lack of other options to be honest. 

And God Blessed it. 

And Continued to Bless it.

Until… peoples ministries and calendars began to fill up again…

And we lost that “togetherness” in lieu of our individual “visions, callings, ministries.”

I asked the Lord, “What can unite people in a city, besides a pandemic?”

He responded “Passionate Prayer by people that are willing to lay it all down again…”

That being said, we are going to host weekly prayer gatherings in our home in Costa Mesa and go back to the drawing board. You can join us in person or online.