It's time to start sharing the Gospel...
I want you to pause for a second
and think about the last person
you led to Jesus.
For years, I was in a constant struggle between knowing what my life as a Christian should look like and what was my actual reality.
I admired those that were courageous enough to share their stories, pray for healing (AND SEE MIRACLES!!!), or preach on the streets... but it always felt awkward.
In 2015 I started to ask God to show me how to reach people that didn't know Jesus. That Septermber, I had the opportunity to be trained by Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke ( who has led 76 MILLION people to Jesus!!). I have yet to share what I experienced that week because it was almost too precious to me. After that life changing week - my preaching, boldness and life can only be described as being set on fire. Since then, I have been praying and studying how to share + train others in what I have learned.
The reality is, we are praying for Revival but don't realize that we ALL GET TO PLAY! God has specifically created YOU to reach the people in your life. I used to believe the lie that God couldn't use me because of my past, my fear, my lack of training - but it's a lie! We can do this - and I am here to help you along the way!
Jesus gives us all the same commandment to, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation." I want to show you how in simple, practical training with live feedback!
You can do this (not to mention that people's eternal lives are at hand). So, Let's GO!