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It's time to Make disciples...


Jesus says "go and make disciples..."

For a long time my Christianity simply wasn’t working. I grew up in the church, knew who Jesus was, and a good amount of what he said that you pick up along the way, but for some reason I just could not figure out why I wasn’t seeing the RESULTS of following Jesus that he promised. I wanted to have what Jesus and the early disciples had in the book of Acts, but that is just not at all what my life looked like.

I seemed to be constantly struggling with the same things over and over again. Fighting to just keep my head above water but not living even close to the “abundant life” that Jesus promised those that follow him.

Eventually, I simply got fed up (with myself). It finally came after months of wrestling through my thick head. If I wanted to get the results Jesus and the early disciples had, I needed to do what they did.

The answer? Be a disciple. Make disciples.

In this course I want to teach you how to do it. I want to save you the trouble of trying to go around discipleship or do it a different way. I’m going to equip you not only with practical ideas on how to follow Jesus, but how to MAKE followers of Jesus like he asked for in the great commission in the Gospel of Matthew.

So let’s GO!


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What will be covered in the online course:

  • How to find someone to disciple

  • Breaking religious rules to follow an irreligious Jesus

  • How to be discipled

  • What the Bible says about discipleship

  • How to multiply disciples (your disciples making disciples)

  • How discipleship differs from mentorship/counseling

  • When to stop discipling someone

  • How do we live truly fulfilling lives

  • How to break stubborn habits and create habits like Jesus

  • How to get past fear and make a difference

  • How to really apply the Bible and do what it says

  • When are you "ready" to make disciples


The entire course is online and can be done at your own pace!